Master's in Molecular Life Sciences

The Program in Molecular Life Sciences of the University of Bern is run jointly by the Institutes of Cell Biology and Plant Sciences and the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Science Faculty. Moreover, many research groups of the Medical and Veterinary Faculties take an active part in shaping the program. This interdisciplinary aspect is one of the key advantages for studying Molecular Life Sciences in Bern.

Molecular Life Science research in Bern is particularly strong in the fields of Host-Pathogen Interactions/Molecular Parasitology, RNA Biology and Membrane Biochemistry, but many other research projects exist and offer opportunities for students to do their MSc or PhD theses.

In the master curriculum, and in particular by preparing their master thesis, the students deepen and specialize their knowledge and skills in the area of molecular life sciences. A particular emphasis of the program is to involve the students actively in research projects. The degree of „Master of Science (M Sc) in Molecular Life Sciences“ can lead to an employment in industrial, governmental and research settings or to a further education, e.g. to PhD studies.

MLS flyer (PDF, 932KB)

Master Molecular Life Sciences
Basic information

Master of Science in Molecular Life Sciences with special qualification in:

  • Biochemistry/Chemical Biology
  • Cell and Molecular Biology 
  • Microbiology/Immunology
  • Neuro- and Developmental Biology
  • Plant Physiology
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Degree programs:
  • Mono 90 ECTS credits with special qualification in:
    • Biochemistry/Chemical Biology
    • Cell and Molecular Biology 
    • Microbiology/Immunology
    • Neuro- and Developmental Biology
    • Plant Physiology

Offer for other degree programs:

  • Minor 30 ECTS credits (no special qualification)
Duration: 3 semesters
Language: English
Beginning of studies: Fall or spring semester

MLS specializations

  • Biochemistry/Chemical Biology
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Microbiology/Immunology
  • Neuro- and Developmental Biology (jointly with University of Fribourg)
  • Plant Physiology

Module structure

Regular learning units

30 ECTS points divided into two modules of 15 ECTS points each:

Special qualification module consisting of learning units from the selected specialization area.
General module consisting of learning units from a wider list, including those of the entire master program and certain units of the BSc programs in biology, biochemistry and chemistry.

In each module, the average of the obtained grades, each weighed according to its ECTS points, must be 4.0 or more. Only one insufficient grade can be compensated per module. Students have to mark by themselves any insufficient grade that they want to be included and compensated in a given module.

Master thesis

60 ECTS points. The grade given by the supervisor, in consideration of the research work and the written thesis, must be 4.0 or more. An active participation in seminars and group meetings specified by the supervisor is mandatory.

Compound grade

The grade of the M Sc diploma is the average between the grades of the modules of regular learning units and the master thesis, weighed according to their ECTS points.
The grades of the additional learning units do not count for the compound grade but will be listed in the diploma supplement.

Courses and timetables for all specializations in the fall semester

Courses and timetables for all specializations in the spring semester


Biochemistry/Chemical Biology

A typical master thesis is carried out at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences or at the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine in a research group oriented towards biochemistry or organic chemistry.
The research topics include RNA processing and transport, nucleic acid chemistry, ribosome function, mitochondrial biogenesis, membrane biochemistry, structure determination of proteins as well as combinatorial and medicinal chemistry.

Please note that the selection process outlined in the Master thesis tab must be followed.

Cell and Molecular Biology

Master theses can be carried out in a large number of research groups of the Institutes of Cell Biology, Plant Sciences, the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Medical and Vetsuisse Faculties.
Research topics include DNA repair and recombination, molecular biology of RNA, molecular parasitology, developmental biology, signal transduction, protein biochemistry, microbial physiology and biochemistry. Yeasts, bacteria, trypanosomatids, insects and mammalian cell cultures are used as model systems.

Please note that the selection process outlined in the Master thesis tab must be followed.


Master theses can be carried out in selected research groups of the Science, Medical and Veterinary Faculties.
The participating groups work on various aspects of immunology, inflammation, pathology, infectiology, virology, bacteriology and parasitology.

Please note that the selection process outlined in the Master thesis tab must be followed.

Neuro- and Developmental Biology

Master theses can be carried out in research groups of the Institutes of Cell Biology, Plant Sciences and the Medical Faculty.
Research topics include cell cycle and growth regulation, developmental biology, RNA localization, neurodegeneration, gene expression control and epigenetics. Drosophila, C. elegans, mice, cliliates, plants and cell cultures are used as model systems.

Please note that the selection process outlined in the Master thesis tab must be followed.

Plant Physiology

The research groups of this specialization focus on different aspects of plant nutrition, metabolism, cellular and organism-wide transport processes, as well as on plant development.
Students enrolling in this specialization perform their master thesis research in one of the plant physiology-oriented groups of the Institute of Plant Sciences.

Please note that the selection process outlined in the Master thesis tab must be followed.

Regular selection process

Students of the B Sc programs in Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or Chemistry and Molecular Sciences of the University of Bern as well as outside admitted students can find their M Sc thesis supervisors through our regular selection process.

At the beginning of the spring semester (6th Semester of B Sc), the M Sc thesis project descriptions are made available on ILIAS. The corresponding link will be sent to future master students. They may pursue this information and contact potential supervisors, but no firm assignments may be made at this stage. With a deadline shortly before the end of the semester, the students declare via an on-line form which three labs they prioritize for their M Sc thesis. After contacting the supervisors, the study administration makes the assignments. This assignment will also determine the specialization to be taken by the student.

Master thesis

The M Sc thesis may only be started, when the B Sc and any additional learning requirements imposed in the admission process have been completed. Exceptions to the latter of these rules may be proposed by the program administration and require approval of the Science faculty.

At the beginning of the M Sc thesis, the thesis supervisor and student send a completely filled out and signed form "Form Start of MSc thesis" to the program administration. This form constitutes a mutual agreement between the two partners to adhere to certain specified rules.

Format, structure and duration

  • A typical MLS master thesis is written as monographic text and is structured in Abstract/Summary, Introduction, Material & Methods, Results, Discussion and References. On average a MLS master thesis as about 75 – 100 pages long (font size 12, line spacing 1.5). Theses shorter than ~50 pages are below the expectation of the MLS master program of the science faculty. 
  • The potential use of AI needs to be disclosed (see below).
  • Duration of the master thesis: 60 ECTS = ~1’800 working hours = ~45 weeks (lab work & writing). If MLS lectures are attended in parallel to the lab work, the thesis extends up to 18 months.

Use of generative AI in writing MLS master theses

In general, the MLS master program allows the use of AI assisted technologies in the preparation of written master theses.
However, when MLS students use AI and AI-assisted technologies (e.g. ChatGPT, Google Bard, Microsoft Bing, DeepL, Grammarly, etc) in the writing process, these technologies should only be used to improve readability and language of the work and not to replace key authoring tasks such as producing scientific insights or drawing scientific conclusions. Applying the technology should be done with human oversight and control and all work should be reviewed and edited carefully. The MLS students are ultimately responsible and accountable for the contents of the work.
MLS students should disclose in their master thesis the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies in a clear statement at the end of text. We recommend placing it before the reference section. If more than one tool was used, they should be listed separately.
Template for disclosure statement:
◻︎ During the preparation of this work, I have NOT used any AI-assisted technologies.
◻︎ During the preparation of this work, I used the following tools:
1. [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] - reason for use
2. [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] - reason for use
3. [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] - reason for use
After using these tools/services, I reviewed and edited the content as needed and take full responsibility for the content of the master thesis. I am aware that in case of dis-compliance, the generated text is considered as plagiarism with its legal consequences.

Individual academic requirements

The following academic qualifications are required for admission to the master’s degree program in Molecular Life Sciences (mono):

a) Bachelor's degree from a Swiss university or an equivalent degree in one of the following branches of studies:
  • Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
Depending on previous education and the special qualification in which the person is interested, admission may depend, however, upon evidence of additional knowledge and expertise or upon additional attainments. Additional attainments are generally units of credit from the bachelor's degree programs in Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or Chemistry and Molecular Sciences to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits. *
b) Bachelor's degree from a Swiss university or an equivalent degree in another branch of studies.
Admission may depend upon evidence of additional knowledge and expertise or upon an additional maximum 60 ECTS credits. *

Bachelor's degrees from the University of Bern:

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology with special qualification in Cell Biology
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology with special qualification in Plant Sciences, including the required (as listed in appendix 2 to the plan of studies) units of credit associated with Plant Physiology as part of the bachelor's degree program
  • Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
are required in at least one of the special qualifications in order to embark upon the master's degree program without any further admission requirements. By contrast, certain switches of specialization between bachelor's and master's degree programs do require an additional maximum 60 ECTS credits.

* The ECTS credits will be listed separately in the diploma supplement as extracurricular attainments.

Please consult the admission requirements for the minor as presented in the plan of studies.

The degree used for assessment purposes may not be more than ten years old.

Swiss bachelor's degrees/programs

from the University of Bern

that allow admission to the desired master's degree program without any assessment:

  • Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology (if the special aerea of the bachelor and the special qualification of the master are matching)
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (if the special area of the bachelor and the special qualification of the master are matching)

from Universities of Applied Sciences

which authorize the holder to be directly admitted to the requested Master’s program with corresponding requirements (PDF, 123KB)

For questions regarding application and admission, please contact the Admissions Office.

Current UniBE students

Apply for a change to the M Sc in Molecular Life Sciences, Universität Bern by self-service as part of the re-registration for the next semester.
Renewal of semester registration → Self-service
Recognition of academic achievements
Procedure and timing of the renewal of semester registration

Application with a Swiss degree

Online application
Steps from application to registration

Application with an international degree

Online application
CHECKLIST - Documents for your application / Important information
Steps from application to registration

For questions regarding application and admission, please contact the Admissions Office.

MLS specific prerequisites for graduation

The graduation may be completed if:

  • Any additional learning requirements imposed for admission to the program have been successfully completed
  • The modules for the special qualification and for the general topics have been successfully completed
  • The M Sc thesis work has been completed and written
  • The written thesis has been read, corrected and positively evaluated by the thesis supervisor. The written evaluation should contain and justify in words the compound grade for the research work and the writing of the thesis.
  • A copy of the evaluation and the Master thesis as pdf file should be sent to the study administration of Molecular Life Sciences. The study administration will enter the grade and thesis title into KSL.
  • Note that, at least during the semester when the thesis is completed, the student must be correctly registrated.

Graduation procedure

  • For graduation, the student registers his thesis submission/ graduation at the studies secretariat of the Dean's office. Email address, office hours and necessary documents are described on the faculty web page. Make sure that the requested documents are complete!
  • The Master thesis and the signed supervisor's evaluation (both as as PDF files) are submitted to the Dean's office either by the student or the thesis supervisor.
  • After the thesis and the supervisor's evaluation have been reviewed by the faculty's study commission (usually within one to two weeks), the study commission decides on the proposed grade and the Dean's office validates it in KSL.
  • The study administration performs a final check whether all grades are correctly documented in KSL and declares the curriculum as "completed" in the KSL system.
  • Finally, the Dean's office validates the entire curriculum and informs the student when the graduation documents will be ready for collection at the Dean's office.

Compound grade

The grade of the M Sc diploma is the average between the grades of the modules of regular learning units and the master thesis, weighted according to their ECTS points.
The grades of the additional learning units do not count for the compound grade but will be listed in the diploma supplement.


The MSc thesis can always be submitted to the Dean’s office but the deadline for a given semester is the last week of autumn or spring semester (calendar week 7 or 37, respectively). Please find the relevant information on the admission office website.

Once you have met the specific requirements for the degree, you can apply for your degree to the Dean's Office. You will find more information on the graduation process here.

Graduation ceremony for Master's degree students

All students who have completed their Master in the previous year can attend the current ceremony which usually takes place in the second half of February. Please find further information on the Dean's Office website here.

Students who wish to attend the current graduation ceremony must have set their "study requirements on fulfilled" before 31st January; In other words, the grade for the master thesis has to be entered in KSL the latest by the 17th of January for being allowed to the graduation ceremony in February. Please note that the faculty will not make any exception regarding the 31st January "graduation ceremony" deadline!