Professional associations

On this page, you will find information on the Mittelbau (intermediate faculty and staff) at the Faculty of Science. The Mittelbau is divided into the high Mittelbau (lecturers and other habilitated staff) and the low Mittelbau (assistants, PhD students, postdocs and scientific staff members).

If you're interested in getting involved with the Mittelbau, please get in touch with PD Dr. Jeannine Wintzer (high Mittelbau) or Sarah Degen (low Mittelbau).

Members of the Mittelbau throughout the entire university are represented by the Intermediate Staff Association (MVUB). Intermediate staff at the Faculty of Science maintain close ties with the MVUB.

 Delegate of the faculty High Mittelbau
 PD. Dr. Jeannine Wintzer (Geosciences)

 Representatives of the departments (Faculty sessions)
 Prof. Dr. Thomas Studer (Mathematics / Statistics / Informatics); Dep. PD Dr. Kaspar Riesen
 Prof. Dr. Ricardo Gatto (Mathematics / Statistics / Informatics); Dep. Dr. Michael Vock
 Prof. Dr. Urs Wenger (Physics and astronomy); Dep. Prof. Dr. Susanne Wampfler
 Prof. Dr. Christoph Raible (Physics and astronomy); Dep. Dr. Axel Murk
 Prof. Dr. Sönke Szidat (Chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacy); Dep. Prof. Dr. Peter Broekmann
 PD. Dr. Carlos Ros (Chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacy); Dep. PD. Dr. Simon Grabowsky
 Prof. Dr. Barbara Taborsky (Biology); Dep. Prof. Dr. Peter Meister
 Prof. Dr. Gerald Heckel (Biology); Dep. Prof. Dr. Carmen Faso
 PD Dr. Jeannine Wintzer (Geosciences); Dep. PD Dr. Moritz Bigalke
 Prof. Dr. Daniela Rubatto (Geosciences); Dep. Prof. Dr. Thomas Pettke

 Delegate of the faculty Low Mittelbau
 Sarah Degen (Geosciences)

 Representatives of the departments (Faculty sessions)
 Dr. Anja Mühlemann (Mathematics / Statistics / Informatics); Dep. Pascal Heid
 Nicolas Kaufmann (Physics and astronomy); Dep. Dr. Manuel Ryser
 Tim Kunzmann (Chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacy); Dep. Johanna Schröder
 Vacant (Biology); Dep. Marina Garrido Priego
 Sarah Degen (Geosciences); Dep. Julia Dietrich

Mailing list:

We cordially invite all members of the low Mittelbau to join the mailing list and thus enjoy the benefits it offers as well:

  • You will be regularly informed about topics and issues of current interest to low Mittelbau staff members (e.g. workshops, events, grant/funding opportunities, meetings and conferences).
  • You will have the opportunity to contribute your own ideas and suggestions.
  • You and your colleagues can decide who will represent your interests in various faculty committees and bodies.

You can easily join the mailing list here.

 Cheyenne Friedrich (Mathematics / Statistics / Informatics, Coordinator)
 Philip Wenz (Physics and astronomy)
 Rafaela Feuz / Michel Misteli (Chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacy)
 Florin Suter (Biology)
 Marcia Arnold (Geosciences)