
Institute of Cell Biology

The research at the ICB covers a broad range of organisms, experimental techniques and topics. Particular foci lie in the fields of RNA Biology , Molecular Parasitology and Neuro-/Developmental Biology.

Institute of Cell Biology

Institute of Ecology and Evolution

The Institute of Ecology & Evolution at the University of Bern has an excellent reputation for world class research and teaching in ecology and evolution. The institute has six full professors, several associated professors, and junior group leaders with complementary, yet overlapping and linked areas of scholarship. It is currently home to post-doctoral researchers, MSc and PhD students from many different countries.

We are devoted to research and teaching in all aspects of ecology and evolution, and aim to provide a scientific basis for the understanding and preservation of our living world. We study the mechanisms by which organisms respond to and interact with their environment, including phenotypic responses at individual level, change in gene frequencies at population level, change in species composition and abundance at community level, and the functioning of whole ecosystems. With the links on the right, of the page, we invite you to explore the exciting research programs carried out by our staff, and the teaching modules in which we aim to provide students with a strong basis in scholarly knowledge and latest discoveries in the field.

Institute of Ecology and Evolution

Institute of Plant Sciences

The Institute of Plant Sciences of the University of Bern comprises seven sections that carry out innovating research in different, but complementing areas of plant biology. Research topics include nutrient transport pysiology and plant development, interactions between plants and herbivores, biodiversity, evolutionary and community ecology, population biology as well conservation biology, terrestrial and aquatic paleoecology, and vegetation ecology in tropical ecosystems.

Institute of Plant Sciences

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

The Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit provides services and expertise to assist researchers in data analysis and project planning in the context of next generation sequencing (NGS).

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology