Graduation (of the course of study)

Below you will find a description of the process for completing your course of study (degree). The provided information relates to certain formalities required by the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science. Completion requirements specific to a course of studies can be found in the fact sheets of the specific course of studies.

Please note that you have to initiate the completion of your studies yourself.

Please note

A renewal of your student registration for the next semester is not necessary if the following condition applies:
The definitive Master`s thesis and evaluation were submitted before week 8 or 38 to the secretariat of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science.


Approval of your Master's thesis

Approval for the evaluation of the Master`s thesis by the faculty (in accordance with RSL Phil.-nat., Art. 53, Section 1)

  1. Submit your Master`s thesis to your thesis supervisor for correction.
  2. Subsequently, the following documents must be submitted to the Dean's Office:
    - Evaluation (original or digital form)
    - Master's thesis in digital form by e-mail to:
      (please consult the Guidelines for the design of the master thesis (PDF, 45KB)).
  3. The secretariat of the directorate of studies of your subject will enter the grade for your Master's thesis into the Core Teaching System (CTS).
    • Important: Please decide with your thesis supervisor who will submit the above mentioned documents to the secretariat of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science.

  4. Generally, you will receive the definitive grade for your Master's thesis via the CTS after approx. ten days (referendum deadline).

    Attention: During semester breaks this deadline may be extended!

To apply for Graduation in CTS

  1. Make sure that all information for your entire course of study (including your Master's thesis) has been entered correctly into the CTS.
  2. If everything is there and entered correctly:
  • In CTS, in the second row press "Request graduation" as follows:
    (Please do NOT press "Request completion" in the top row! This wont work and you will get an error message)
  • Due to your application, the directorate of studies for your subject will be alerted. The directorate will check your academic attainments and if everything is ok, will change the status of your study program in the CTS to "Requirements fulfilled" and reports this status change to the Dean's Office. (from now on, no further changes can be made in the CTS)
  • From this point on, you can request a confirmation of completion from the Dean's Office.

Dean's Office

As soon as the Dean's Office receives the information that your subject requirements are fulfilled (from the directorate of studies), the Dean's Office will change your degree status in the CTS to "completed." A diploma supplement and the degree certificate will be issued, and you will receive an invitation via e-mail from the secretariat of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Science to pick up your documents. This usually takes about 3 to 5 working days (longer during semester breaks). Please bring along the following documents:

Bank account information for paying the examination fee

Payment for:
Berner Kantonalbank
3001 Bern

On the account of:
CH87 0079 0016 7091 7104 6 (Konto 30-106-9)
SWIFT number: KBBECH22XXX (for payments from abroad)
Universität Bern
Dekanat der Phil.-nat. Fakultät
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern

Invoice examination fees

Graduation ceremony for Master's degree students

The next graduation ceremony for the Faculty of Science will be held on February 25, 2026.

All students who have completed their Master in 2024 (incl. all students whose degree is set in KSL by 31.01.2025 at the latest) can participate in the ceremony.

Für PH Interessierte

Die Phil.-nat. Fakultät bietet für Studierende der PH Bern Fachstudien in naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern – die sog. fachwissenschaftliche Basis – für angehende Lehrkräfte der Sekundarstufe I bzw. Sekundarstufe II an. Weiterführende Informationen zum Studium an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Bern finden Sie hier:

FAQ for graduation at master's level


All forms you need to complete your course of study can be found under the following link: