Exchange Students

International Exchange Programs

International students need to sign up for exchange programs at the University of Bern via the international office. Please contact the international office for information about possibilities for an exchange semester with your current university.

Getting Started

Please consider the following important information if you have enrolled as an exchange student in our Master of Computer Science program.

Our Master in Computer Science (MCS) is a joint program with the Universities of Neuchatel and Fribourg. This means that you are free to choose courses offered by all three universities during your exchange.

An overview of this joint program is available on the MCS web site. All teaching in the program is in English.

The University of Bern will provide you with a so-called "campus account" which gives you access to several services:

  • The course management system "Academia" used by our Master program.
  • The e-learning platform "Ilias" used by many courses.


You will receive your campus account credentials from the central IT services of the University of Bern a few days before the semester starts. You also find the links to Academia and Ilias on the MCS site under "restricted area".

Please have a look at the organization of the Master program. You will be a "hosted JMCS student", and importantly, this means you have to send a request for Academia (course management system) access to the program coordinator,

To attend courses you will need to sign up through Academia within the first few weeks of the semester. Simply choose your courses, attend the first lecture, and all course specific information will be provided there.

Welcome to Bern and enjoy your studies!